
domino board games

open dominoes as chess domino sets for conundrums design of images for printing combinations of domino numbers

deck of mathematical system intellectual tournaments sets and digital systems

The main complete sets of domino tokens.
Conundrums and games on a checker board.

Basic main sets of the present board game hold the patent for invention RU2259223.
The trade name can be "open domino" if someone is interested in industrial production and trading distribution of this board game.
The shown design and mathematical system of domino tokens can be considered as one of possible game models for world championships and tournaments of the International Federation of Dominoes.
This page has links on PDF files which can be downloaded to print in format A4 and play.


Set of domino tokens "A".

industrial production and trading distribution of board game

Deck of domino tokens "B".

design and mathematical system of domino tokens

Chess board for dominoes.

world championships of International Federation of Dominoes

basic main sets of board game hold the patent for invention

tabletop logic games for sports competitions and tournaments

Description of design.

This board game differs from classical dominoes by presence of a checker-board, and also tiles or tokens or playing cards with combinations of numbers are ordered and designated by way of chessmen, that gives to players unusual potential of gaming interactions.
Linear cross-sections of the checker-board have square forms which correspond to shapes of domino tokens. The order of squares has alternating as light and dark in staggered rows, that allows to see diagonals during games or conundrums. The cross-section structure of squares is subdivided with more thin linear marking which allows to place tokens of dominoes in lengthwise or crosswise positions. On edges of the board there are numerical notations which correspond to vertical and horizontal rows, and also there are additional places on which players too can place tokens of dominoes.
The checker-board of 8 vertical and 8 horizontal rows of squares lays in the basis of this logic domino game. It is caused by that 64 squares are optimal quantity for human perception, and such magnitude relation of playing space is accepted for classical games with chessmen or draughts.
Known sets of 28 domino tokens with digital combinations from 0 to 6 for the checker-board of 64 squares do not match, and consequently this game design contains completes or decks of dominoes with some repeating combinations of numbers.
It is necessary to tell that similar addition of repeating numerical combinations has analogy to the Chinese domino which too contains 32 tokens or tiles, but structure of digital system in the Chinese variant differs from complete sets of the present game design.
Doubles 0/0, 6/6, 2/2, 4/4 are added to one complete set which is named with the letter “A”, and doubles 0/0, 6/6, 1/1, 5/5 are additional in the second deck which is named with the letter “B”. Total each set contains 32 tokens and corresponds to the checker-board of 8 vertical and 8 horizontal rows, namely 32+32=64 dominoes can be completely compared to 64 squares.
Dominoes are mathematical combinations or numerical pairs of twofold numbers. Combinations of identical numbers have the name "doubles", and unequal digital pairs refer to "fractions". Numbers or digits are put on domino tokens or tiles or printed playing cards in the form of points.
Tokens of two complete sets differ by color circles on front-face areas.
The set "A" has red and yellow circles, and the deck "B" has blue and green.
Two colors are necessary for designation of domino tokens of each complete set to designate proportional groups of numerical combinations. Namely numbers of 16 red and 16 yellow tokens in the deck "A", or also digits of 16 blue and 16 green tiles in the set "B" are proportional.
Domino tokens of complete sets "A" and "B" on backs have distinctions by dark and light circles, and proportional groups in structures of two decks differ with presence and absence of daggers.
Players can choose two proportional groups from structure of any one complete set, or players can choose two decks of domino tokens for realization of games. Thus equal chances to win will be observed if each player plays with tokens of dominoes of own complete set or proportional group.
Initial playing positions of proportional groups from structures of complete sets "A" and "B" are shown in pictures 1(A) and 1(B). Tokens of dominoes are represented in pictures in the Arabian ciphers within the limits of schematic squares of checker-board.
As it is possible to see the shown initial playing positions are similar to arrangements of chessmen before the beginning of chess game.
Tokens of dominoes in initial positions are directed by focusing arrows on opponents, that is necessary for proportional orientation. As numbers of dominoes according to focusing arrows can be directed forward or back, but numerical parities are proportional if arrows have directions on opponents.
This rule is specified in pictures 1(A) and 1(B) by schematic arrows at the right edge.
Players can not pay attention on the device construction or otherwise to tell design of complete sets, but can place domino tokens on the checker-board according to directions of focusing arrows, and in any case interaction of dominoes and numbers will be proportional and optimum in view of positional-tactical numerical parities which can exist during games.
Because complete sets of domino tokens are "magic squares" of dominoes, namely numbers in initial playing positions make natural or otherwise to tell magic mathematical sums on verticals and horizontals, that is shown in pictures 1(A) and 1(B) by ciphers on edges of schematic checker-board.
Magic sums of numbers on horizontals are shown at the right, and above or below it is possible to see vertical sums.
It is necessary to tell that the shown magic squares of dominoes are not inventions of abstract mathematicians as it has been told in one of telecasts, but this digital design of domino systems are a part of the patent for invention RU2259223.
Thus, this board game of dominoes has the magic mathematical order owing to which two players can play with equal chances to win and completely open playing information as in chess. And also it is possible to solve various numerical conundrums and logic puzzles.

Images and pictures for variants of complete sets with main decks of domino tokens or printed playing cards, and also game rules are accessible for downloading in the form of PDF files.


Files oskru1.pdf and oskru2.pdf.
Rules of domino games are written in Russian, but in these PDF files there are pictures for printing.
And look rules and manuals of some games and conundrums in English language on HTM pages in spaces of this website.

Package of this game also contains third complete set of domino tokens which digital system and design features can be seen on corresponding page. The third deck of dominoes is more simple, but also allows to play on a checker-board which has 64 cells as a chess.

I hope that the offered domino gaming design will be entertaining and interesting to you!

The shown playing cards with images of domino digits are possible for downloading as tabletop logic game for sports competitions and tournaments, or otherwise to tell championships in which participants solve intellectual conundrums and mathematical puzzles. As numbers of dominoes on playing cards can be considered as a mathematical construction by means of which organizers of competitions can pose logic problems which are not identical, but have equal complexity for all participants of intellectual tournament.
And also the shown decks of domino tokens can be considered as one of game models for world championships and tournaments under aegis of the International Federation of Dominoes.
