
moon and square dominoes

game design of dominoes

Page 6.


numerical order of seventy quadrilateral tiles or pieces


Lunar chronology and mathematical design of square dominoes.
The sixth page compares mathematical game design of mega square dominoes with celestial chronology of the moon, and also numerical order according to which seventy quadrilateral tiles or pieces correspond with lunar calendar circle and five elements of Chinese philosophy, or with primary potentialities of Greek mythology and divine pentad of Gnostic Christianity.


Lunar calendar and square dominoes.
Five elements and chronological cycle of the moon.

Mathematical game design of mega square dominoes can be considered as digital model of universe and esoteric chronological system in which seventy quadrilateral pieces correspond with liturgical holydays of Christian church and metaphysical space of heavenly spheres, and also with seven-year periods of time in Daniel's prophecies in the Bible and numbers in calendar tables of Qumran religious community in which years had calculation according to biblical chronology, that is described in the apocryphal "Book of Jubilees", sometimes called Lesser Genesis.
Besides seventy pieces of square dominoes can be compared with a lunar calendar or otherwise to tell celestial chronological cycle of the moon, as shown on the chart.

the chart of lunar calendar or celestial chronological cycle of the moon

Bottom scale in the shown chart corresponds to 354 days of one calendar cycle of the moon and 12 months which have chronological sizes of 30 and 29 lunar dates.
Top scale shows 350 days of five 70-day periods and 4 added dates.
To each day during 70-day chronological periods there correspond 70 quadrilateral game pieces of mega square dominoes, and four dates have no conformity.
If to correlate additional four days of moon chronology with seventy domino pieces and to calculate continuous sequence of calendar ratio then recurrences of cycles will be in 35 years as 70/4=17,5x2=35 or 354x35=12390/70=177.
Pay attention that number 177 is quantity of days at six months of calendar cycle of the moon.
Lunar calendars of 354 days existed in Babylon or China, or in other world countries, but also ancient civilizations had chronological cycles of the moon with duration of 355 days, and in particular in Roman empire before reform of Gaius Julius Caesar, namely up to Julian calendar, that is shown on the following chart.

square dominoes in quantity of days at months of calendar cycle of the moon

Bottom chronological scale corresponds to 355 days of lunar calendar and 12 months which have duration of 31, 29, 28 dates.
Top scale designates 70-day periods and five added days in intervals between 5 ages during one moon year.
70+1=71 - first period.
70x2=140+2=142 - second period.
70x3=210+3=213 - third period.
70x4=280+4=284 - fourth period.
70x5=350+5=355 - fifth period.
Days of 70-day periods correspond to seventy quadrilateral game pieces of mega square dominoes, and five additional moon dates have no conformity.
If to correlate additional moon days with domino pieces and to calculate continuous sequence of calendar ratio then recurrences of chronological cycles will be in 14 years as 70/5=14 or 355x14=4970/70=71.
Five 70-day periods in the shown calendars of the moon correspond with five substances or natural elements of Chinese philosophy and primary potentialities of Greek mythology, and also with celestial aeons of divine Pronoia in the context of Gnostic Christianity, that is shown on the following chart.

Five elements of Chinese philosophy form geometrical figure of pentagonal star in which principles of generating and overcoming operate, that arrows show.
Order of generating: tree - fire - ground - metal - water.
Order of overcoming: fire - metal - tree - ground - water.
Five elements in the context of Chinese Confucian philosophy correspond with moral qualities.
Tree - Zhen - mercy and restraint or philanthropy.
Fire - Li - ritual and obedience or observance of ceremonies.
Ground - Syin - sincerity or kind intention.
Metal - Yi - sensitiveness and keenness or respec.
Water - Chzi - wisdom and insight or common sense and judiciousness.


Five primary potentialities of Greek mythology have order: Chaos - Eros - Gaia - Tartarus - Uranus.
Chaos - unstable matter.
Eros - creation of forms.
Gaia - stable shapes of matter.
Tartarus - destruction of matter shapes.
Uranus - transformation of matter.
Five celestial aeons of divine Pronoia coincide with primary potentialities of Greek mythology, but have other meanings and values.
First idea or forethought is reflection of divine spirit in waters of chaos.
Prediction or foreknowledge is divine prototype or celestial plan of universe which has been displayed in waters of chaos.
Indestructibility is real image of universe and living creatures.
Eternal life is eternity of existing universe and immortality of people.
Truth is similarity of human beings to the God.
Pay attention that for eternal life there corresponds destruction or Tartarus in the context of Greek mythology, as this primary potentiality is fire which destroys living essence but cannot destroy metaphysical soul if a human person is deserving of immortality. And also for truth there corresponds transformation or otherwise regeneration or reincarnation of personality in the context of Greek mythology, that does not occur if a person or individual soul became immortal in viewpoint of Christian philosophy.
Look information on five aeons divine Pronoia on pages of website www.emotions.64g.ru in section which has the name "divine categories", or in the Apocryphon of apostle John.
The order of quadrilateral game pieces of mega square dominoes corresponds to the pentagonal  geometrical figure of primary potentialities in Greek mythology and five celestial aeons of divine Pronoia in Christian philosophy as shown on the following chart.

order of square dominoes and pentagonal figure of five elements

Seventy quadrilateral game pieces form five digital groups 70/14=5.
Combinations of four-digit ciphers in first and fourth, and also in second and fifth groups are congruous, and third digital group is central, that corresponds to positions of five primary potentialities of Greek mythology in the geometrical figure of pentagonal star. As Chaos and Tartarus, and also Eros and Uranus are equivalent, and Gaia is quintessence of universe.
According to the shown order of numerical combinations it is possible to correlate quadrilateral pieces of square dominoes to chronological sequence of moon days in 70-day periods of lunar calendars. Namely every day of moon calendar can be correlated to one four-digit cipher of quadrilateral piece, or every interval of time in five days with one piece, that can be interesting in patience puzzles if to consider mathematical game design of square dominoes as predictive mantic system for divinations.
Besides complete set of mega square dominoes can be correlated to the lunisolar ancient Egyptian calendar in which chronological cycles of moon and sun had temporal sizes of 355 and 365 days. Namely solar calendar cycle included 365/5=73 five-day periods or otherwise pentads, and cycle of the moon had 355/5=71 pentads. If each quadrilateral piece of square dominoes is equal to one five-day period then it is possible to calculate continuous sequence of calendar ratio according to which pentads are connected with mathematical matrix of ten celestial spheres of universe or symbols of sacral Cabbalistic Sefirot and seven days of week, or otherwise to tell 10 horizontals and 7 verticals of playing board.
Chronological pentads in the lunisolar Egyptian calendar correspond with quinary scale of notation in the mathematics of ancient Egypt, and also correspond with numerical systems of five-digit calculations in China or in culture of Maya in Central America, and accordingly quadrilateral game pieces of mega square dominoes can be correlated to mathematical symbols and ciphers, and also calendar numbers of ancient civilizations of mankind.

Following web page shows esoteric ratio of mathematical game design of mega square dominoes with calendar of Maya civilization and 360 degrees of astrological circle.
