
dominoes and civilization Maya

square dominoes and astrology

Page 7.


seventy quadrilateral pieces and four-digit combinations of ciphers


Astrology of planets and calendar of square dominoes.
The seventh web page shows mathematical ratio of seventy quadrilateral pieces and four-digit combinations of ciphers of the mega square dominoes with 360 degrees of astrological circle and 18-day periods of the cycle Haab of ancient symbolical calendar of civilization Maya in Central America, and also with astronomical cycle of the planet Venus.


Square dominoes and astrological circle.
Cycles of planets and calendar of civilization Maya.

Mathematical game design of mega square dominoes can be correlated to lunar and solar calendars, and it is possible to consider the set of seventy quadrilateral pieces and four-digit combinations of ciphers as esoteric model of world space within which the moon and the sun form natural chronological system or otherwise cosmological matrix of time. And also seventy quadrilateral four-digit numerical combinations of mega square dominoes are comparable to astrological circle of zodiacal signs and astronomical cycles of planets in cosmic space of solar system which is symbolical display of chronological matrix of time, that is shown on the chart.

astrological circle and astronomical cycles of planets in cosmic space of solar system Astrological circle of twelve zodiacal signs is divided into five parts by pentagonal geometrical figure which corresponds to five chronological intervals of time and celestial sectors of Zodiac in sizes of 72 degrees, as 360/5=72.
Each of five sectors within astrological circle corresponds to 70 quadrilateral pieces and four-digit numerical combinations of mega square dominoes, but last two degrees in each sector have no mathematical conformity.
First apex of pentagon - beginning of astrological circle or zero degree of zodiacal sign Aries.
Second apex - point of 13th degree in Gemini - 11th and 12th degrees of zodiacal Gemini have no conformity with game pieces of square dominoes in the end of first celestial sector of astrological circle.
Third apex - point of 25th degree in Leo - 23rd and 24th degrees of this zodiacal sign have no mathematical conformity with four-digit domino combinations in the end of second sector.
Fourth apex - point of 7th degree in Scorpio - 5th and 6th degrees of this zodiacal sign have no conformity with quadrilateral pieces of dominoes in the end of third sector.
Fifth apex - point of 19th degree in Capricorn - 17th and 18th degrees of this astrological sign have no zodiacal conformity with ciphers of square dominoes in the end of fourth sector.
28th and 29th degrees of zodiacal sign Pisces in the end of fifth sector of astrological circle too have no conformity with ciphers of dominoes.


Apexes of pentagon and five celestial sectors of astrological circle form geometrical figure which can be compared to the pentagonal star of five elements in the Chinese philosophy and primary potentialities of universe in the Greek mythology.
First sector and beginning of astrological circle - fire and Tartarus.
Second sector and 13th degree of zodiacal sign Gemini - ground and Gaia.
Third sector and 25th degree of zodiacal Leo or Lion - metal and Eros.
Fourth sector and 7th degree of Scorpio - water and Chaos.
Fifth sector and 19th degree of Capricorn - tree and Uranus.
Such celestial positions of five primary potentialities of Greek mythology and natural elements of Chinese philosophy in borders of astrological circle correspond to rules of universal global astrology which studies chronology of world historical processes or temporal epochs and calendar eras of evolutional development of human civilization. But in the context of humanistic astrology which considers individual development of human personality and events of private life, it is necessary to correlate first apex of pentagon and first celestial sector of astrological circle to Chaos, as this primary potentiality of universe symbolizes divine source of existence and beginning of human life. Second sector should corresponds with Eros which personifies divine creation and formal origin of human life. Third sector corresponds with Gaia which personifies realization or formalization of personality. Fourth sector corresponds with Tartarus which personifies divine termination of human personality. Fifth celestial sector corresponds to Uranus which symbolizes transformation and regeneration or new reincarnation of human life.
Look information about universal global astrology and astronomical epochs or calendar historical eras and temporal ages of evolutional development of human civilization on pages of other website www.emotions.64g.ru/apf/apf1en.htm.
Numbers from 1 to 20 on the chart within pentagonal geometrical figure designate sequence order of seventy quadrilateral pieces and four-digit numerical combinations of mega square dominoes in four mathematical groups which are shown in the following table.

order of seventy quadrilateral pieces and four-digit combinations of square dominoes

First group of 18 domino pieces corresponds to zodiacal degrees of astrological circle from 1 to 18.
Second group of 18 game pieces corresponds to celestial zone of astrological circle from 19th degree of zodiacal sign Aries to 6th degree of Taurus.
Third group of 18 four-digit numerical combinations corresponds to celestial zone from 7th to 24th degrees of zodiacal sign Taurus.
Fourth mathematical group of 16 quadrilateral domino pieces corresponds to zodiacal zone from 25th degree of Taurus to 10th degree of Gemini.
Total 18+18+18+16 = 70 or 30 of Aries + 30 of Taurus +10 of Gemini but two zodiacal degrees have no conformation with game pieces of mega square dominoes, and in aggregate 70+2=72 that corresponds with first celestial sector of pentagon.
And so on four shown mathematical groups of seventy four-digit numerical combinations of square dominoes correspond with five sectors of pentagon which form twenty 18-day chronological periods within astrological circle of twelve zodiacal signs, that is equivalent to chronology of the cycle Haab in the ancient calendar of civilization Maya in Central America. Namely each 18-day chronological period corresponds to one month in the calendar of civilization Maya.
Look information about astronomical cycle Haab in the Mayan calendar on pages of other website www.wordgame.64g.ru/meta3/me8en.htm.
Besides the shown four mathematical groups of seventy game pieces or tiles of mega square dominoes and pentagonal star within astrological circle can be compared with astronomical cycle of the planet Venus which too is significant in the ancient calendar of civilization Maya and in the chronological cyclic system of Haab.
Astronomical cycle of the planet Venus consists of zodiacal periods of direct and retrograde celestial movement which coincides with apexes of pentagon and pentagonal star of natural elements of Chinese philosophy and primary potentialities of Greek mythology. Namely astronomical movement of Venus within astrological circle coincides with five points of pentagonal star and arrows which specify divine principles of generating and overcoming of natural elements in the context of Chinese philosophy. If any astronomical period of retrograde movement has coincided with first apex of pentagon then following second period will coincide with fourth apex, that corresponds to pointing arrow which specifies philosophical overcoming of fire and water. Then following third astronomical period of retrograde Venus will coincide with second apex of zodiacal pentagon, that corresponds with pointing arrow which specifies philosophical overcoming of water and ground. Following fourth period will coincide with fifth apex of pentagonal star and linear arrow which specifies overcoming of grounds and tree. Following fifth period of retrograde Venus will coincide with third pentagonal apex and arrow specifying divine principle of philosophical overcoming of tree and metal. After that following sixth astronomical period of retrograde movement of astrological Venus will coincide again with first apex of zodiacal pentagon, that corresponds with celestial arrow specifying philosophical overcoming of metal and fire.
Look more detailed information about astronomical movement of Venus and chronological cycle Haab in the calendar of civilization Maya in other sources of world wide web, and in particular in astrological magazines and journals which publish not only doubtful horoscopes but also reliable knowledge for astrologers.

According to mathematical ratio of seventy game pieces of mega square dominoes with zodiacal degrees of astrological circle and 18-day chronological periods of the cycle Haab in calendar of civilization Maya it is possible to solve various patience puzzles in which four-digit numerical combinations and squares of playing board form predictive mantic system which is connected with ten metaphysical spheres of universe and seven days of creation. Namely it is possible to solve mathematical domino puzzles in which 360 zodiacal degrees of astrological circle and 18-day months in chronological cycle of Haab in the calendar of civilization Maya, and also periods of astronomical movement of the planet Venus and five apexes of celestial pentagonal star of primary potentialities of universe or cosmic space correspond with esoteric symbols of ten Sefirot in Mystical Cabala and days of week or creation in heptagonal Star of Magi, that is described on the previous web pages.

Following page shows ratio of mathematical game design and esoteric system of square dominoes with letters of alphabet and step pyramids of civilization Maya in Central America.
